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Nur 96.29 EUR Versandkosten: 2-3 Tage 0.00 EUR Surgical Neuroangiography 2.1/2.2.(2Bd)

PEMSurgical Neuroangiography: Clinical and Interventional Aspects/EM in Adults covers a variety of protocols and strategies combining functional vascular anatomy with a complete appreciation of the various disease processes, their pathophysiology, clinical presentation, and natural history, as well as recent technological advances. The newer endovascular techniques that apply to embolization of aneurysms, vascular malformations, and tumors of the spine, spinal cord, brain, and maxillofacial areas are reviewed. Novel techniques of revascularization for occlusive vascular diseases in the brachiocephalic and cerebral vasculature are expanding and revolutionizing the field. Implementing ...

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