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Nur 39.95 EUR Versandkosten: 5.95 EUR Film-Blu-ray »Wagner: Tristan Und Isolde (Recorded Live At...« Schneider/Smith/Theorin

Schneider/Smith/Theorin, Opus Arte, 2010, Film, EAN 0809478070672 FSK: 6, deutsch Filmed at the spiritual home of Wagner´s work, Christopher Marthaler´s landmark production of Tristan and Isolde which opened the 2009 Bayreuth Festival brings together the rich talent of American tenor Robert Dean Smith with that of Swedish soprano Irene Theorin. The renowned Wagner conductor Peter Schneider conducts the Bayreuth Festival Orchestra and Chorus in a performance tipped to remain a collector´s benachmark for years to come. Filmed in High Definition and with true surround sound.

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