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Nur 6.99 EUR Versandkosten: 5.95 EUR Buch »When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit\Als Hitler das...« Kerr, Judith

Kerr, Judith, Puffin, 2009, Buch, ISBN 0142414085, EAN 9780142414088 2009. 1..., Englisch Anna is not sure who Hitler is, but she sees his face on posters all over Berlin. Then one morning, Anna and her brother awake to find her father gone! Her mother explains that their father has had to leave and soon they will secretly join him. Anna just doesn?t understand. Why do their parents keep insisting that Germany is no longer safe for Jews like them? Because of Hitler, Anna must leave everything behind. Based on the gripping real-life story of the author, this poignant backlist staple gets a brandnew look for a new generation of readers just in time for Holocaust Remembrance Month.

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